The best way to learn a language 學習語言最好的方式

Why reading and listening at the same time will help you build your skills quicker.

The best way to learn a language, in my opinion, is to read and listen at the same time. This way you’re maximising your input, and putting a ‘face to the name’, as it were, with spellings, sounds and so on. 


See, it’s all about input with languages. If you don’t hear it a dozen times first, you won’t be able to produce it. The structures and sounds need time to sink in and form pathways in your brain. 

注意到了嗎? 輸入是學習語言的關鍵。如果你沒有聽聞一個生詞幾十次,你就沒有辦法輸出它。 語言和發音需要時間在大腦沉澱並建立新的路徑。

According to recent research, “Reading while listening has been shown to be an efficient procedure for foreign language learning” (Tragant & Allbona 2018), so I’m not making this stuff up!

根據近期的研究,"同時聽與閱讀被證實是有效的外語學習方式" (Tragant & Allbona 2018)所以,這絕對不是無稽之談。 

There’s a few ways you could capitalise on this method, and take your language to the next level. You could watch videos with the subtitles on, as I’m sure lots of you do, or you could read the book and listen to the audiobook simultaneously. I prefer the latter option.


The first one is easy to do, if you’ve got access to YouTube or films on Netflix, but the second one takes a bit more investment, both in finding the right materials, and the concentration needed to do it. But once you do, trust me it’s worth it.

第一種很容易,你只要上YouTube或在Netflix上看電影; 第二種則需要多一點投資。兩者關鍵都在於找到對的材料,加上必要的專注。但相信我,這樣做一定值得。

Taking the time to process each word in front of you and hear it spoken at the same time is an intimate experience with the language. It’s much more intimate than YouTube, because watching videos is a more passive activity. You have the images and facial expressions to help you along, which have nothing to do with the language. Chances are, you’ll probably click out of the video once you don’t know what they’re saying, too. There’s a high chance you’ll lapse in concentration, with so many distractions at your fingertips. 


With books and audiobooks, you have to really take the time to sit down and analyse more deeply. With the words right in front of your face, and no images, you’ll become more aware of just how much detail you’re missing, and that’s great, because if you don’t know the gap between where you are and where you want to get to, you won’t be able to close the gap.


The best way to do this, in my opinion, is to get yourself a Kindle and Audible.


Why a Kindle? This is my reading method of choice, because you can simply tap on a word you don’t know, and it’ll give you the definition straight away. You can add dictionaries in different languages. It also gives you free samples, usually the whole first chapter, of a book so you can see if it’s for you first. I know lots of people say they prefer reading the proper book, because they like the feeling of a physical book, but in my experience, once you get a Kindle you won’t go back.


And why Audible? Well, unless you can think of a better way of getting a huge selection of popular audiobooks at your fingertips - this is the one!
那為什麼是Audible呢? 動動指尖龐大的藏書就盡收眼底- 除非你能想到其他更好的方式,否則這絕對是你的首選!

Just make sure to find the right version or edition of your book on both Kindle and Audible, so they match!
只要小心檢查購買的Kindle和 Audible是相應對的版本,兩者才能配合的天衣無縫。

I’d recommend sticking with a book for at least a couple or more chapters, before deciding it’s not for you. You have to give it a bit of a chance! Especially in this day and age where we can’t focus on anything for more than 20 minutes. With Kindle, you could also have multiple books on the go at the same time, so you have one to turn to for whatever mood you’re in.


Do what works for you, but honestly, I have to say nothing taught me more, and stretched my language abilities as much as reading ‘Homosapiens’ in Chinese with the audiobook. It was great fun, because I enjoyed the book and had a huge sense of achievement when I actually knew what it was talking about and didn’t need to check the dictionary every other word.


So yeah, that’s my top tip for language learning. Apart from that, obviously my English courses are the best way to learn English ;)


Try it for yourself, and let me know how you get on!

為了自己,試試看吧! 再告訴我怎麼樣!

譯者:Chun-Yin Chu


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