Meet Florence.

  • 英國在地老師

  • 擁有TESOL認證,專業資格

  • 9年的英文家教經驗,教學經驗豐富

  • 畢業於肯特大學,美國文學與創意寫作學士

  • 專業新聞撰稿經驗,文字能力強

  • 英國 / 蘇格蘭口音

Hello 👋

My name is Florence and I am a native English speaker origionally from Scotland but now living in the south of England. I am a TESOL certified teacher with over seven years of private English tutoring experience and over two years of online ESL teaching experience. I have a BA from the University of Kent in English and American Literature with Creative Writing, as well as experience working in journalism and freelance editing.

In my free time, I love listening to folk and world music both in a live setting and on a record player. I also enjoy reading poetry and prose as well as writing my own. During my years of experience I have discussed issues and ideas with people from all over the world through ESL teaching. I really look forward to meeting you!

大家好 👋

我是 Florence,英文是我的母語,我來自蘇格蘭,但現在住在英國南部。我擁有TESOL(Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages)認證,並且有七年的英文家教和兩年的線上ESL教學經驗。我畢業於肯特大學(University of Kent),擁有美國文學和創意寫作的學士學位,同時也是一名新聞撰寫的自由撰稿人。

