Meet Jessica.

  • 英語語言與傳播學以及法語的榮譽學士學位

  • 豐富的兒童英文教學經驗。

  • 語言:母語英文、法文

  • 英國南部口音

Hello! My name is Jessica and I'm an enthusiastic and dedicated English tutor. My passion for education drives me to create exceptional learning experiences for my students. I completed a school based teacher training course to become a qualified teacher back in 2012; this was after receiving my BA Hons degree in English Language and Communication Studies with French. I have a wide range of teaching experiences both inside a physical classroom and working remotely online and I have primarily worked with children aged 3-12 in that time. I am British born and have lived in Bedfordshire, which is around 30 miles north of London, for my entire life. In my spare time I enjoy days out with my two young children, cycling and reading.

哈囉!我叫Jessica,是一名充滿熱情而敬業的英語教師。對教育的熱愛驅使我為學生創造卓越的學習體驗。 2012 年,我完成了學校的教師培訓課程,成為合格的教師;在此之前,我獲得了英語語言與傳播學以及法語的榮譽學士學位。我擁有豐富的教學經驗,不僅在實體教室中授課,也有在線遠端教學的經歷。在這段時間裡,我主要教授 3 到 12 歲的兒童。我在英國出生,一生都住在倫敦以北約 30 英里的貝德福德郡。閒暇時,我喜歡和我的兩個孩子一起外出遊玩、騎自行車和閱讀。