Meet Joanne.

  • 教育學士學位和教學證書

  • 心理學碩士雙學位

  • 認知行為療法和諮商文憑

  • 擁有20年教學經驗,在國際間任教

  • 語言:母語英文

  • 英國/蘇格蘭口音

Hi everyone, I’m Joanne and I'm from Glasgow in Scotland, but I've spent a huge part of my career teaching internationally. I've been in Education for almost 20 years! I have experience teaching early years all the way up to university level; I love teaching and learning in all its forms. I especially love teaching online and getting to work with such a variety of people.

I have a Bachelor of Education with a teaching certificate and two master’s degrees in psychology, one of which focused on child development and one with a focus on mental health and wellbeing. I also have a diploma incognitive behaviour therapy and counselling. I believe having such a solid background in psychology makes me a better teacher.

I’m currently completing a doctorate in educational leadership, and I also teach part-time at the University of Glasgow, where I also deliver mental healthfirst aid qualifications. We have a wonderful Chinese community at the university, and I'm so excited to meet more people from the East of the world here.

See you soon!

大家好,我是 Joanne,來自蘇格蘭的格拉斯哥,但我職業生涯的大部分時間都在國際間教學。我從事教育已經快 20 年了!我有從幼兒教育到大學水平的教學經驗;我熱愛各種形式的教學和學習。我特別喜歡在線教學,並有機會與各式各樣的人一起工作。


