Meet Lydia.

  • 超過5年的英語教學經驗

  • 劍橋大學現代和中世紀語言學學士

  • TEFL證書

  • 語言能力:英文(母語)、德文、義大利文、西班牙文、葡萄牙文

  • 英國中部伯明罕口音

Hello, my name is Lydia and I come from a town called Dudley, located near Birmingham in England. I studied at University of Cambridge and graduated with a BA degree in Modern and Medieval Languages - specialising in German and Italian. I was the first person from my school to study at Cambridge. Since graduating, I have also learnt Spanish and Portuguese and I would love to learn more languages in the future.

I have a TEFL certificate and have been teaching English online for over 5 years. I have taught students from all over the world. I love teaching and sharing my passion for language learning.

I also enjoy traveling and I have visited over 30 countries. I love using my language skills during my travels and embracing new cultures.

哈囉,我叫 Lydia,來自英格蘭伯明罕附近的一個小鎮——達德利。我在劍橋大學獲得了現代和中世紀語言學士學位,專攻德語和義大利語。我是我就讀的中學裡第一個考入劍橋的人。從劍橋畢業後,我還學習了西班牙語和葡萄牙語,未來希望學習更多語言。


