Meet Ophelia.

  • 5年以上教學經驗

  • 藝術史(榮譽)學士學位

  • TESOL碩士學位和TEFL認證教師

  • 學術英語教學經驗(幫助過許多博士生)

  • 英語會話

  • 面試準備

  • 雅思考試指導

  • 語言能力:母語英語

  • 英國南部口音

Hello, my name is Ophelia. I currently live in Cambridge in the UK. I love travelling, reading and visiting museums as well as meeting new people and cultures. I also enjoy helping people to increase their language abilities.
I am a native British BA (Hons), History of Art, MA Teaching English as a Second Language (TESOL), and TEFL certified teacher who uses a student-centred approach to tutoring English. As as part of my studies we considered the most up-to-date methods in line with CEFR standards at one of the world's leading education-based universities. I have over five years of experience teaching a variety of students for a wide range of needs from across the globe!

哈囉,我叫 Ophelia,目前住在英國劍橋。我熱愛旅行、閱讀、參觀博物館,並喜歡結交新朋友和了解不同文化。我非常樂意幫助人們提高語言能力。

