TV Series Recommendations 英語電視連續劇

During lockdown, understandably, a lot of you have asked what British TV series I recommend. I don’t watch a huge amount of TV, but these are some of the ones I’ve enjoyed!

Black Mirror – Netflix.
If you don’t mind feeling scared and disturbed, give this a watch. It’s a British TV series about different versions of the future where technology ‘goes wrong’. Some of the episodes might freak you out during this pandemic… but I love it!

After Life – Netflix.
The director and leading actor Ricky Gervais is famous in England because he directed the series ‘The Office’ a while ago. It has a dry/sarcastic/awkward sense of humour, which is typical of British humour. The plot is about a man whose wife died and he wants to kill himself (sounds dark I know!). My family and I always laugh our heads off when we watch it, but I’m not sure if you will find it funny! Series 2 is now out on Netflix.

The Crown – Netflix.
Lots of you have already watched some of this. It is very well-directed and interesting to learn about the history of the royal family. They speak with a posh accent that was typical for the aristocracy of that time.

Planet Earth – Netflix.
If you haven’t seen it, this is a beautiful documentary about life on earth, narrated by David Attenborough, who is a household name (everyone knows who he is).

Normal People – BBC iPlayer
A romantic drama based on the novel by Sally Rooney, which has become hugely popular in the UK.

Louis Theroux – Netflix.
A documentary concerning a range of social problems. Louis Theroux is another household name/famous person.

This Country – BBC iPlayer
A hilarious mockumentary (mock/fake documentary) about a brother and sister who live in poverty in the British countryside. It is based on their real lives and is an insight into working class life in England! They have thick west country accents and use a lot of slang.

Breaking Bad – Netflix.
This is a US TV drama and might be one of my favourite series ever! It’s about drug crime and is very cleverly written.

Fargo – Netflix.
This has a similar feel to ‘Breaking Bad’ in terms of some gory scenes, crime, some humour and a good plot.

Orange is the New Black – Netflix.
Again, a US crime-related drama that I highly recommend!


What do people in the UK think about Harry and Meghan’s interview? 在英國,人們怎麼看哈利和梅根的訪談?


Book review: Scale 書籍摘要: 規模