Book review: Scale 書籍摘要: 規模

Scale: The Universal Laws of Growth, Innovation, Sustainability, and the Pace of Life in Organisms, Cities, Economies, and Companies
規模: 生物、城市、經濟和公司的增長、創新、可持續性和生命節奏的普遍規律

by Geoffrey West

This book is all about finding underlying simplicity in seemingly complex phenomena by comparing similarities between organisms, cities and companies.

Metabolism is a central theme. In any evolving system, a continual supply of energy is needed, and the by-product of using this energy is always disorder: entropy in ageing organisms; carbon emissions in cities; waste and excess in large organisations.
代謝是关键主題之一。 任何不斷演变的系統需要持續供應能源,并使用能量的副產品總是混亂,如衰老生物的熵;大型組織的浪費和過剩;城市中的碳排放量。

Complex mathematical formula show surprising parallels between phenomena in the universe. For example, in many ways, an elephant is like a scaled-up version of a mouse when you compare weight, heart rate, life span, metabolic rate, number of offspring, and so on. The bigger the animal, the slower the pace of life.

But it is not as simple as “twice as big, twice as much”, or “half as big, half as fast”. That would be ‘linear thinking’. Instead, scaling laws— sublinear, superlinear and non-linear—have been developed by mathematicians over centuries, enabling predictions about a huge range of phenomena.

Similar to scaling in biological organisms, assets, income and output increase in a predictable way in line with the number of employees in a company—not linearly, but sublinearly. Cities, on the other hand, are scaled in the opposite direction. The bigger the city, the faster the pace of life: diseases spread faster, business are born and die more often… people even walk faster, all in line with scaling laws.

Furthermore, data shows that the infrastructure of a city, including the length of roads, electrical cables, water pipes and number of petrol stations, scales sublinearly according to population size, no matter what country you are in.

Network systems are another central theme of this book, from arteries, nerves and capillaries in animals, to veins, intracellular networks and roots in plants, to pipes, roads, drains and cables in cities.

Emphasis is given to the fact that there is no one “in control” of these processes—they evolve spontaneously and are inextricably interconnected.

Overall, this book goes a step towards illuminating the fascinating ways that the universe seems to conform to mathematical laws and principles. A heavy read, but recommended to anyone interested in maths, science and the mysteries of the universe.


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