Book review: The Spirit Level 書籍摘要: 社會不平等
The Spirit Level: Why Equality is Better for Everyone
by Richard Wilkinson & Kate Pickett
This book is about the limitations of economic growth in improving a society. The authors’ main aim is to show that human societies are happier and healthier when there is greater income equality between people, not just when there is economic growth. 這本書是關於經濟增長在改善社會方面的局限性。作者指出,當人們之間收入更加平等時, 而不只是在經濟增長的時候, 人類社會會更快樂、更健康。
Using statistics from 23 of the richest countries in the world, as well as data from the American states, the authors show that wealth or GDP alone does not bring the most benefits for a society. 作者利用世界上23個最富有國家的統計數位以及美國各州的數據,表明僅靠財富或GDP並不能給一個社會帶來最大的好處。
To start with, different countries’ life expectancies are analysed. From the graph below, we can see there is a strong correlation between a country’s national income and life expectancy. 首先,分析了不同國家的預期壽命。從下圖中,我們可以看到一個國家的國民收入和預期壽命之間存在很強的相關性.
But only until the average income reaches around $25,000 per person—after that, increases in life expectancy start to level off. 但是,只有在人均收入達到每人25,000美元左右——也就是說越過這種財富水平之後,預期壽命的差異性變化不大。
Conversely, it is shown that when there is more income disparity between people in a country, life expectancy decreases.
The authors then look at a variety of factors to measure the levels of health and social problems within a country: life expectancy, teenage births, obesity, mental illness, homicides, imprisonment rates, mistrust, social mobility and education.
These findings are compiled to create an index of the level of health and social problems for each country.
The graph below shows the relationship between national income and the levels of health and social problems:
Health and social problems are only weakly related to national average income among rich countries.
However, the graph below shows the relationship between a country’s level of income inequality and the level of health and social problems.
Here, quite clearly there is a correlation. More unequal countries have higher rates of crime, mental illness and obesity, for example, whilst countries that are more equal, e.g. Japan, Norway, Sweden, Finland, score much better across the board.
In short, economic growth no longer improves quality of life. To improve our quality of life, we need to stop focusing on wealth and start focusing more on community life and how we relate to each other.
Although inequality is still increasing, as it has been for some time, if we can find ways to decrease inequality, we will see a huge range of benefits across a variety of factors, from increased levels of trust within societies, to decreased levels of mental illness, obesity and prison populations.
What can be done to increase income equality? The authors suggest measures such as taxation and benefits, as is common in the Scandinavian countries, or narrowing the differences in incomes before any redistribution, similar to in Japan.
This was an eye-opening read that uses some convincing evidence to confirm what a lot of people already feel intuitively.
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You can see Richard Wilkinson’s TedTalk: How Economic Inequality Harms Societies.