如何使用單字閃示卡學習英語 How to learn English using flashcards
I’m excited to say that I’ll be including flashcards for the vocabulary and phrases in my new Ultimate UK Travel Crash Course!
Get the Early Bird price now!
👉 立即享受早鳥價!👈
The course has six sections in total, taking you through everything you need to know about life in the UK, whether you’re coming here to travel or live longer term. Besides PDF downloads and voice recordings, each section will now also include a deck of flashcards for you to use too, with the English, my voice saying it, and the Mandarin translation on the back. I believe this is the best way to boost your learning and retention of the material, and will turbocharge your English speaking! Early bird sale ends 31st July!
本課程共有六個單元,將帶你了解在英國旅遊、生活所需的一切,無論你是來這裡短期旅遊還是長期居住都很適用。除了提供 PDF教材下載和語音錄音外,現在每個單還附贈一組單字閃示卡供你使用,卡片背面有英語、我的語音錄音和中文翻譯。我相信這是幫助你學習和回顧課程所學的最佳方法,也會讓你的英語口語更上一層樓! 早鳥優惠到7月31日就會結束!點擊這裡了解更多。
Let’s talk about the importance of flashcards, because flashcards are hands down the only reason I can read, write and speak Mandarin – no word of a lie!
About learning… 關於學習...
The latest research shows 最新研究表明:
1. We have to be active in the learning process, not just passively listening or reading!
Purchasing an online course is great, but unless you actively engage your brain about the materials in other ways, the content is unlikely to stick. Active learning techniques include discussion, testing, and problem-solving activities. Flashcards are a great way to test yourself!
2. Learning is most effective when it’s personalised.
Rather than sitting through lectures when you’re falling asleep, if you can go at your own pace and choose your own study schedule, you’re more likely to retain the information you’ve learnt. It’s even better if you can choose the lessons that interest you. You can do both of these in my online course. When you control your own learning and become the master of how you learn, your learning speed will increase drastically!
3. We need feedback to make real progress.
Without feedback, it’s hard to know if we’ve actually learnt something. Flashcards are a great way to keep score of how many words and phrases have actually gone into your long-term memory. And once you’ve truly memorised enough key words and phrases, you’re halfway to fluency!
How I learnt Mandarin using flashcards
我過去如何使用單字閃示卡學習中文 🤓
Creating the flashcards 製作單字閃示卡
When I was studying Chinese, I created flashcards for words that I came across in textbooks, lessons and in daily life. I manually added them to different folders in an app called Pleco, which is great for learning Mandarin. 過去我在學習中文時,我把課本、課程和日常生活中遇到的單詞製作成卡片。我將它們手動添加到一個名為 Pleco 的應用程序的不同文件夾中,這個應用程序非常適合學習中文。
However, Pleco only allows short words and phrases in its flashcard system. What I would have really benefited from is flashcards that included full sentences. I would spend time looking up examples of how the words could be used, but looking back, the results often weren’t reliable, and even if they were, I still wasn’t able to test my ability to produce full sentences because of the limits of my flashcard system. I also didn’t have a teacher to help me compile a set of flashcards that were actually useful, so I had to do it all myself, and because I was a learner, I had no idea if the words I found were actually commonly used or not. This meant that I would spend time creating useless flashcards, or worse, learn things that weren’t even used in daily life!
This is why I want to include flashcards in my Ultimate UK Travel Crash Course, because as a native speaker, 10 hours of my time means many, many hours saved for each one of you! All you have to do is sign up, download the flashcard set, and follow the instructions in the course for how to use them. You can use them on your phone, out and about, and test yourself regularly, every day, until you’ve really learnt everything – then your experience in the UK will be much smoother! Each flashcard will include a recording of me saying it too!
這就是為什麼我想在我的終極英國旅行速成課程中加入單字閃示卡,因為作為一個母語人士,我花 10 個小時製作的時間就意味著為你們每個人節省了很多很多小時!你僅需要註冊、下載單字閃示卡,然後按照課程中的說明使用它。你可以在手機上、外出時使用它們,並每天定期測試自己,直到你真正掌握了所有知識--這樣你在英國的留學生活就會更加順利!每張單字閃示卡上都有我親自錄製的錄音!
2. Using the flashcards 使用單字閃示卡
What did really help me learn Mandarin was reviewing flashcards regularly, with a system that calculated my scores. I would try looking at the mandarin characters first and guessing what they meant. Then the other way round, I would look at the English and guess the Mandarin. Then I’d check the audio, and listen to it multiple times. Listening practice is so crucial for language learning; without enough listening input you won’t be able to say it at all, let alone pronounce it correctly!
Again, the problem I had with my flashcard system was that Pleco used a robot’s voice, so I wasn’t learning the most natural way of saying things. You don’t need to worry about that, because I will personally record my voice saying the words and phrases in the most natural way! You’ll come away with a native, natural sounding British accent.
3. Keeping the momentum 保持學習動力
The best time I found to use flashcards was when travelling, whether on the bus, tube or walking somewhere. That is ‘dead time’ where you can’t do much else, but it also occurs quite frequently, so if I made a kind of ‘soft rule’ with myself to practise flashcards when I was travelling, then it would become a habit, and the momentum wouldn’t wane. I say ‘soft rule’ because if you’re really not feeling like it and you can’t concentrate, then there’s no point beating yourself over the head to study. You want your relationship with studying to feel kind, fun, and fruitful.
我發現使用單字閃示卡的最佳時機是在旅行時,無論是在公車、地鐵上還是在步行途中。這是你無法做其他事情的 "固定時間",但生活中無法避免,因此,如果我給自己定下一種 "軟性規定",在旅行時練習單字卡,那麼它就會成為一種習慣,動力也不會減弱。我之所以說 "軟性規定",是因為如果你真的不喜歡學習,無法集中精力,那麼就沒有必要為了學習而自尋煩惱。你希望自己與學習的關係是友好、有趣和富有成效的。
You might have a different situation where you think you could tag on flashcard studying to your routine – find what works for you, but try to make it a consistent ‘soft rule’ in order to establish the habit. Language learning is a big, long-term goal, so you need a sustainable way of keeping the motivation high.
當然你也可能會遇到不同的情況,你可以在你的日常學習中加入閃示卡學習--找到適合你的方法,但要盡量使他成為一個持續的 "軟性規定",以建立習慣。語言學習是一個長期的大目標,因此你需要一種可持續的方式來保持高昂的學習動力。
On that point, let’s review the key points made in James’ Clear’s popular book about habit forming, ‘Atomic Habits’:
Habits are the compound interest of self-improvement.
Small, incremental changes can lead to big results over time.
隨著時間的推移,微小而漸進的改變會帶來巨大的成果。The most effective way to change your habits is to focus not on what you want to achieve, but on who you wish to become.
You’re using flashcards because you want to become someone who speaks English confidently and fluently.
你使用單字閃示卡是因為你想成為一個能自信流利地說英語的人。To establish a habit, you need to make it:
Obvious. Put the thing you want to do right in front of your face (e.g. an app on the main home screen of your phone).
Attractive. Make the habit appealing to you (e.g. use an app that gives you points for getting things right).
Easy. Reduce the barriers to starting (e.g. no manually creating flashcards, no digging through materials, just set it up once using my online course, and have it ready to go with one tap).
Satisfying. Reward yourself for doing the habit. The best way to do this isn’t with external rewards, but by simply inwardly thanking or appreciating yourself for having made the effort. Lots of research shows that external rewards can be effective in the short-term, but not in the long-term. Since practising flashcards is something that needs to be done regularly, external rewards wouldn’t be realistic, because the rewards would need to become more and more extravagant in order to maintain their potency. Intrinsic motivation is the way forward.
3. 要養成一種習慣,就必須讓它成為一種習慣:
4. Habit stacking. This is what I meant earlier about habitually practising flashcards on the bus. Habit stacking involves linking a new habit to an existing habit that you already do. That makes it 10 times easier to start without thinking about it or finding excuses. After all, starting is the hardest part.
5. Progress, not perfection, is the key to success. Don't beat yourself up if you slip up. You will forget sometimes, and that’s normal. Trust in the process. If you’re consistent, you will be able to speak fluently. There’s no question about it. There were a million times I felt I would never be able to speak Mandarin. But four years later, words started coming out of my mouth. It might take a long time, but the only thing that would really stop you from achieving your goal is if you give up.
The great thing about learning anything is that once you’ve been exposed to it a few times, it sticks somewhere in your subconscious mind. When you come back to it next time, the memory will still be there, and it’ll become easier and easier, even if you gave up for a period of time. The path is there for you whenever you’re ready to take it!
If you want to get started with lifetime access to the flashcards I’ve made specially for English learners coming to the UK, plus get access to the 30 corresponding video lessons, just click here.
如果你想獲得終身使用我專門為來英國的英文學習者製作的單字卡,並獲得 30 堂相關線上課程,請點擊這裡。
Thanks for reading, and I wish you the best of luck!
第一部分:搭機前往英國 ✈️
1-1 搭飛機實用的英文詞彙
1-2 過海關
第二部分:前往下一個目的地 🚖
2-1 英國旅行基礎101:火車、巴士或其他
2-2 與計程車司機交流會用到的實用英語
2-3 如何尋求路線指引
第三部分:尋找住宿地點 🏠
3-1 尋找旅館
3-2 尋找公寓
3-3 住宿(Bonus課程)
第四部分:與人交談 🗣
4-1 購物英文會話
4-2 購買食物英文會話
4-3 餐廳英文會話 + 餐桌禮儀
4-4 英式Pub文化:如何點酒?+ 茶文化
4-5 如何獲得醫療服務 + 英國的醫療系統
4-6 看醫生
4-7 緊急情況下使用的英語
4-8 英國人最愛的small talk 閒聊技巧
第五部分:提升溝通能力 💬
5-1 如何增強自信心
5-2 在英國必須了解的慣用語(Part 1)
5-3 必須掌握的慣用語(Part 2)
5-4 聽當地人的說話語速和真實對話
5-5 如何確保其他人理解你想表達的意思
5-6 在不理解時該怎麼做
第六部分:英國文化 💂
6-1 帶你了解英式食物
6-2 倫敦的歷史與文化
6-3 英國俚語
6-4 理解不同的口音
6-5 練習最常見的英國口音
6-6 英國旅遊的標誌性地點
6-7 英國的約會文化(Bonus課程)
總結:英國旅行終極實用懶人包 📒
👉 Buy here 立即報名
Reference List 參考文獻列表
Clear, J. (2018). Atomic habits: tiny changes, remarkable results : an easy & proven way to build good habits & break bad ones. New York
About active learning 關於主動學習:
Prince, M. (2004). Does active learning work? A review of the research. Journal of Engineering Education, 93(3), 223-231.
Freeman, S. et al. (2014). Active learning increases student performance in science, engineering, and mathematics. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 111(23), 8410-8415.
About personalised learning 關於個性化學習:
Kirschner, et al. (2006). Why minimal guidance during instruction does not work: An analysis of the failure of constructivist, discovery, problem-based, experiential, and inquiry-based learning. Educational Psychologist, 41(2), 75-86.
Keller, J. M. (2010). Personalized learning: A guide for educators. New York, NY: Routledge.
About feedback 關於反饋:
Hattie, J., & Timperley, H. (2007). The power of feedback. Review of Educational Research, 77(1), 81-112.
Shute, V. J. (2008). Focus on formative feedback. Review of Educational Research, 78(1), 153-189.
More books about learning 更多關於學習的書籍:
Medina, J. (2010). The science of learning. Pear Press.
Oakley, B. (2014). Learning how to learn. Pearson.
Brown, P., Roediger, H., III, & McDaniel, M. (2014). Make it stick: The science of successful learning. The MIT Press.
Sousa, D. (2011). The learning brain: A classroom guide to brain-based teaching. Corwin Press.