Our Pet Obsession英國人對寵物的著迷🐶

This month is National Pet Month in the UK, so I've been thinking about our furry friends!


The fact that we have a whole month dedicated to cats, dogs, hamsters, gerbils, fish and even snakes (eek!) shows just how obsessed we are with our domesticated creatures. The UK ranks second in Europe for dog ownership, only losing out to Germany, which is also much bigger than us so doesn't really count…

老實說,我們有整整一個月的時間專門給 “貓、狗、倉鼠、沙鼠、魚甚至蛇(eek!)”,這說明我們對我們養的寵物是多麼著迷的。英國在養狗的方面是歐洲排名第二的,只輸給了德國(德國其實也比我們大得多,所以不算 😝……)

It's long been a stereotype that the Irish love their dogs, but I think the English are catching up! During lockdown, the number of cats and dogs bought or adopted rose significantly, after people realised how much better their lives could be seeing a wagging tail every morning or a furry paw swiping across their screen and 'accidentally' exiting a boring Zoom meeting.

長期的刻板印象來說,愛爾蘭人非常愛他們的狗,但我認為英國人正在後來居上!在封城的期間,購買或領養貓狗的數量增加非常多,因為人們意識到,每天早上看到毛小孩一直甩的尾巴🐈 或者毛茸茸的貓肉球在螢幕上滑動並且『不小心』退出無聊的 Zoom 會議會好得多。

I have a dog, and he's practically human. He's tuned in to everything I do. If I'm in an important meeting or class, he'll make sure to raise a racket. If I'm lounging on the sofa, he'll try to jump on top of me. If I want to pay attention to him, he'll damn well make sure he's lying unresponsive on the kitchen floor.


I love him all the same :)

我還是一樣愛他:) ❤️

Did you get a pet during lockdown? Are you a dog/cat mum or dad? Comment below!

你在封城的時候也有養寵物嗎? 你是狗奴還是貓奴呢? 在下面留言分想給我知道吧!


文章作者:Nicola Hardwick 小組課程師資


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Social Class 英國的社會階級


Easter in the UK ! 英國的復活節!