Easter in the UK ! 英國的復活節!

This year, Easter Sunday falls on the 17th April. If you live in the UK, however, you'd be forgiven for thinking it happens earlier on in the year because our shop shelves have been filled with chocolate Easter eggs for months! The date of Easter Sunday changes year to year as it always falls on the first Sunday after the first full moon following the Spring equinox in March. 


For practising Christians, Easter is one of the most important holidays of the year. 'Practising' means actively following the rules of a particular religion and observing its traditions e.g. going to church on Sundays. Religious people will go to church frequently over the Easter period, the most important days being Good Friday (the Friday before Easter) and Easter Sunday.


But you don't have to be religious to celebrate Easter. Many Brits who aren't practising Christians will still take some time to relax and enjoy Easter traditions. Good Friday and Easter Monday are both public holidays in the UK, so most workers will have a long weekend regardless of their faith. Many people try to take some of their annual leave (holiday time) either side of the weekend in order to extend their time off.


Now, onto some Easter traditions. For children, we have the 'Easter Bunny', who is a bit like the 'Father Christmas' of Easter. This fictional bunny leaves out chocolate eggs for children after they've gone to bed on the Saturday before Easter Sunday. Eggs symbolise new life and fertility, but I believe the traditional eggs (like you'd have for breakfast) were replaced with chocolate eggs after a clever marketing move from the chocolate company Cadbury's! If you do have children, the activities on Easter Sunday usually involve an Easter egg hunt, where small chocolate eggs are hidden all over a garden or a local park and kids set out to find and collect them. The winner is the one who finds the most eggs, and the prize is self-evident!


Two other foods spring to mind when thinking about Easter. First, roast lamb, which we'd usually eat with mint sauce for Easter Sunday lunch. And secondly, hot cross buns. These are sweet buns marked with an icing cross (to represent the cross that Jesus was nailed to - nice!) containing dried fruit such as raisins and currants. These buns can be eaten hot or cold, regardless of their name, and are traditionally eaten on Good Friday, the day Jesus was crucified.

一想到復活節,腦海中會浮現兩種食物。首先是烤羊肉,我們通常會在復活節午餐時吃這種羊肉搭配薄荷醬。第二,十字麵包。這是一種甜麵包,人們會用糖霜在麵包上畫出十字(代表耶穌被釘在十字架上 – Nice 🤔!),裡面還有葡萄乾、黑醋栗等果乾。這些麵包可以吃熱的,也可以冷的吃(儘管我們叫它hot cross bun)。傳統上,人們會在耶穌受難日時,即耶穌被釘在十字架上的那一天,吃這種麵包。

This year, I'm hoping to spend Easter with my two little nieces. We're planning a traditional roast lamb meal for Sunday lunch, and we're going to hide Easter eggs around my sister's garden for my older niece to find. Unfortunately, the younger one is too young to join in the egg hunt, but I'm sure there'll be some greedy adults milling around ready to snatch a few of her chocolate eggs!



文章作者:Nicola Hardwick 小組課程師資


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Our Pet Obsession英國人對寵物的著迷🐶


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