Brits love eating outside!? 英國人很喜歡在戶外用餐!?

After the easing of lockdown rules in the UK, restaurants were allowed to reopen on the condition that they only served food to customers outside. Anyone familiar with the UK weather would probably think this wouldn't be such a promising prospect. But us Brits tend to think differently!


Outdoor dining is a national pastime. Whether it's having barbeques in the summer, drinking beer in a pub garden, or having a picnic on the beach choking down sand-filled sandwiches 🏖 🥪 , the British public love to dine 'al fresco'. We've even co-opted this phrase from the Italians, who (according to an Italian friend) don't often use this term themselves. Dining or eating 'al fresco' means eating in the fresh air, or outside. And here in the UK, we can't get enough of it!

在這裡,戶外用餐是一項全民消遣活動。無論是在夏天吃BBQ,在酒吧花園裡喝啤酒,還是在海灘上野餐,吃著帶有沙子的三明治🏖 🥪 ,英國民眾都喜歡在露天用餐。我們甚至還從義大利人那裡借用了“al fresco”這個片語。據我的一位義大利朋友說,他們自己都不常使用這個說法。Dining或eating ‘al fresco’的意思是在戶外或者在新鮮的空氣中用餐。英國人都超愛這種用餐方式!

The usual situation goes something like this: you wake up on a random morning in May to the sunlight peeping through the curtains. 🤔You rub your eyes in disbelief... it can't be this sunny so early on in the year? Surely, you're dreaming?!🥺 Once you've confirmed that you haven't been magically teleported to Spain overnight, you jump out of bed and text your close friends and family to come over to yours for a barbeque that afternoon. You lather on the suncream, rush to the shops to buy burgers and Pimms, and spend the whole afternoon talking about how wonderful the weather is.

通常的情況是這樣的:你偶然地在五月的某個早晨醒來。陽光透過窗簾照射進來,你難以置信地揉了揉眼睛… 🤔今年這麼早就有晴朗的天氣?肯定是在做夢吧? !🥺一旦你確認這一切是真的,自己並沒有在一夜之間神奇地被傳送到西班牙去,你就馬上跳下床,給好朋友和家人傳訊息,邀請他們當天下午來你家燒烤。接著你塗上防曬乳,衝到商店去買漢堡和皮姆(Pimms)酒,然後花一整個下午的時間,討論今天天氣到底有多讚!

Ok, maybe this is an exaggeration. I've personally been to a few barbeques where the meal had to be abandoned due to a sudden downpour of rain in an otherwise sunny afternoon. But, regardless of the weather, we do still seem to love eating outside. Perhaps the picture below will serve as proof!


Nicola Hardwick 小組課程師資


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Easter in the UK ! 英國的復活節!


Happy New Year 新年快樂