Happy New Year 新年快樂

2021 what a year!


Here’s our list of the top 20 big events from your average Brit’s perspective, in no particular order. These are likely to be the events that British people remember, and would be good topics of conversation in the future. Have we missed any from your part of the world? Leave a comment down below and let us know! Don’t forget to subscribe to our newsletter.


1. The coronavirus pandemic continues

Unfortunately some of the biggest news of the year inevitably involves coronavirus. First of all, the UK gradually lifted out of the winter lockdown at the beginning of the year in January. We then had the rollout of the vaccination programme which has been largely dubbed a success. However, sudden spikes in cases of the Delta variant, and then Omicron in recent months, created ripples of anxiety across the country. Currently, the British government is offering booster vaccines, which over 30 million people have had, but this third dose is being met with some skepticism, with around 1 in 13 vaccinated people being reluctant to get it (Guardian).

1. 新型冠狀病毒疫情仍在肆虐


2. Excitement in the Olympics & the Euros

Taking place from July to August in Tokyo, the 2020 Olympics were postponed due to the coronavirus pandemic and were held in 2021 instead. The games were enjoyed by people around the world, with the final medal counts as follows:

1. United States: 39 gold, 113 total

2. China: 38 gold, 88 total

3. Japan: 27 gold, 58 total

4. Great Britain: 22 gold, 65 total

Besides the Olympics, the Euros (European Football Championship) were particularly exciting this year because England got to the finals, drawing 1-1 with Italy after extra time, only to then lose 2-3 to Italy on penalties. The game had an estimated peak TV audience of almost 31 million, making it the most-watched UK event since the funeral of Princess Diana in 1997.

2. 激動人心的奧運會和歐洲杯


1. 美國:39面金牌,獎牌總數為113

2. 中國:38面金牌,獎牌總數為88

3. 日本:27面金牌,獎牌總數為58

4. 英國:22面金牌,獎牌總數為65


3. Progress made towards climate change mitigation in COP-26 summit

The COP-26 summit was a conference held in Glasgow in Scotland to accelerate action towards limiting climate change. As global warming continues to worsen, this summit was the topic of much discussion. COP-26 resulted not only in an official agreement but also a series of commitments to mitigate climate change across many areas, from deforestation to methane to oil and gas projects.

3. COP-26峰會在減緩氣候變化方面取得的進展


4. Prince Phillip dies aged 99

Prince Phillip, husband of Queen Elizabeth II for 70 years, passed away on 9th April 2021 at age 99. A former Royal Navy officer during World War II, he died ‘peacefully of old age’. A grand royal funeral was held on 17th April with many paying their respects in honour of his life.

4. 菲利普親王去世,享年99歲


5. World’s first malaria vaccine

A global milestone was the world’s first malaria vaccination being endorsed by the World Health Organisation. This vaccine is produced by GlaxoSmithKline, a British company, and endorsed by the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation. Malaria killed 400,000 people in 2019 alone, and the vaccine reduces the risk of getting malaria by 40%.

5. 世界首個瘧疾疫苗


6. Protestors storming the Capitol in the US

Moving over to the US, some major news was the capitol being stormed. The congress building called ‘the Capitol’ was attacked by Trump supporters in riots against the 2021 election result. Protestors forced their way past barricades and police lines into the building. Having to resort to violence, shots were fired by the police, and 5 people lost their lives. Eventually Donald Trump called for calm, and his supporters left the building in the evening.

6. 抗議者闖入美國國會大廈

讓我們把焦點轉向美國,該區今年的重大新聞之一是國會大廈遭到襲擊。在反對2021選舉結果的暴亂中,被稱為“the capitol”的國會大廈遭到抗議者的襲擊。抗議者強行越過路障和警戒線進入大廈。警察不得不採取暴力手段,於是開槍射擊。在該事件中有5人死亡。最終,川普呼籲大家保持冷靜,而他的支持者也在晚上離開了大廈。

7. Joe Biden elected

Related to this news was the election of Joe Biden as 46th president of the United States. Biden is a member of the Democratic party. So far, he has halted funding to the building of Trump’s border wall with Mexico, and restored US participation in the Paris Agreement.

7. 拜登當選總統


8. Richard Branson’s space flight

British entrepreneur and founder of Virgin Group, Sir Richard Branson became the first person to ride into space aboard a rocket he helped fund. The 70 year old reached space 9 days before Amazon founder Jeff Bezos’ planned flight. This story sparked widespread controversy as many, including Prince William, have argued that billionaires should be focusing on helping to fix our planet. Prince William said: “We need some of the world’s greatest brains and minds fixed on trying to repair this planet, not trying to find the next place to go and live.”

8. 理查·布蘭森的太空飛行

英國企業家兼維珍集團創始人理查·布蘭森爵士成為第一個乘坐他資助的火箭進入太空的人。今年70 歲的他,比亞馬遜創始人傑夫·貝佐斯計劃的飛行提前9天到達太空。這個新聞引發了廣泛的爭議,包括威廉王子在內的許多人都認為,億萬富翁們應該專注於幫助修復我們的地球。威廉王子說:“我們需要一些世界上最偉大的智囊團,致力於修復這個地球,而不是尋找下一個可以居住的地方。”

9. Matt Hancock’s affair

In some rather embarrassing news, Matt Hancock stepped down as Health Secretary in the UK after being caught in pictures kissing his aide, who was not his wife. Unfortunately despite his hard work during the start of the pandemic, less than 20% of Britons now want Hancock to return as Health Secretary.

9. Matt Hancock的外遇事件

在一則令人尷尬的新聞中,Matt Hancock在被拍到親吻他的助手(並非他的妻子)後,辭去了英國衛生部長的職務。不幸的是,儘管他在疫情期間付出了很大的努力,現在卻只有不到20%的英國人希望他重返擔任衛生部長的職位。

10. Store closures

Throughout 2021, the UK saw the closure of many famous and well-loved highstreet stores, such as Topshop, Miss Selfridge and Debenhams. More than 8,700 chain stores closed in British High Streets, shopping centres and retail parks in the first six months of 2021, which is an average of nearly 50 outlets a day. The impact of the pandemic and changing shopping habits continue to hit many towns and city centres.

10. 商店倒閉

在整個2021年中,英國許多著名且廣受歡迎的商業街商店都陸續關閉,其中包括Topshop、Miss Selfridge和Debenhams。在2021年的上半年,英國的商業街、購物中心和零售商業區有8700多家連鎖店關閉,平均每天有近50家分店結束營業。隨著疫情的影響和人們購物習慣的改變,許多城鎮和市中心繼續受到衝擊。

11. Migrant deaths in the Channel

Sadly, 27 people died in the worst ever incident involving migrants crossing the Channel. The small dingy the migrants were travelling in sank off the coast of France. The Prime Minister condemned human traffickers for this devastating event, and the event raises to the forefront the issue of increasing migrants travelling across to the UK in recent years. The migrant crisis has become an increasingly tense subject for the UK and France, and the British government has accused the French of not doing enough to stop people coming over.

11. 英吉利海峽移民死亡事件


12. Ship stuck in the Suez Canal

A huge container ship called the Ever Given got stuck in the Suez Canal in March, blocking it and disrupting global trade. The 193km Suez Canal connects the Mediterranean Sea and the Red Sea, providing the shortest sea link between Asia and Europe. One person was killed during the operation of moving the boat, and global stock markets plummeted due to the incident’s wide-reaching impact on trade.

12. 巨輪受困於蘇伊士運河中

在3月份,一艘名為Ever Give的巨型集裝箱船被困在埃及的蘇伊士運河中,造成運河受堵塞,擾亂了全球貿易。蘇伊士運河全長193公里,運河的北端連接地中海,南段連接紅海,是亞洲和歐洲之間最短的海上通道。在移動巨輪的過程中,有一人死亡。這事件對全球貿易有著廣泛的影響,全球股市因此而暴跌。

13. Sir Tom Moore

Captain Sir Tom Moore, a former British Army officer, made headlines for raising £33 million for NHS charities by walking laps of his garden. He originally set out to raise £1000. The 100 year old was recognised by the Queen for the inspiration he provided to the world, and he received over 170,000 birthday cards on his 100th birthday. He was also the oldest person to have a UK number one single when he recorded You’ll Never Walk Alone with Michael Ball. Sadly, he passed away with coronavirus in February of 2021.

13. Tom Moore爵士

前英國陸軍上尉Tom Moore爵士通過在自家花園裡步行,為NHS慈善機構籌集了3300萬英鎊,因此登上了頭條新聞。他最初只打算籌集1000英鎊。這位100歲的老人因給世人帶來了啟發而被女王認可。在他100歲生日那天,他收到了超過17萬張生日賀卡。他與Michael Ball錄製了《You'll Never Walk Alone》,成為了擁有英國冠軍單曲年齡最大的人。不幸的是,他在2021年2月因感染冠狀病毒而去世。

14. Harry & Megan’s Interview

Harry and Megan’s infamous interview with Oprah made headlines around the world. Their revelations about Megan’s treatment by the royal family sparked global controversy, with some supporting her actions and condemning the way she was treated, and others criticising the move and accusing the couple of lying and airing out dirty laundry.

14. 哈利和梅根的採訪


15. Sarah Everard

Sarah Everard was a 33 year old woman murdered by a police officer on her walk home in London. The brutal attack was planned, though his choice of victim was random. What made this event especially shocking was that the killer was a serving police officer. Many protests in London followed after the event, with many saying trust in the Met police was weakened by the event. The murderer, Wayne Couzens, has been given a life sentence.

15. Sarah Everard遇害事件

一位名為Sarah Everard的女性在倫敦步行回家時被一名警察殺害。該殘忍的襲擊是有預謀的,儘管兇手隨機選擇受害者。特別令人震驚的是,兇手是一名在職警官。在事件發生後,倫敦發生了許多抗議活動,許多人表示該事件削弱了人們對倫敦警方的信任。兇手Wayne Couzens已被判處終身監禁。

16. Various protests

2021 was a big year in terms of protests. The reasons for protests ranged from Sarah Everard’s death, lockdowns and government restrictions due to COVID-19, a bill that was passed to give police more power to control protests, and climate change activism. Some have argued that protests have at times lacked clear purpose and aim.

16. 各種抗議活動

2021年發生了許多抗議活動。抗議的原因包括Sarah Everard之死,政府因肺炎而實施的封鎖及各種限制,一項賦予警方更多權力來控制抗議活動的法案被通過,以及有關氣候變化的運動。一些人認為,這些抗議活動有時缺乏明確的目的和目標。

17. Afghanistan controlled by the Taliban

Some shocking global news was the capturing of Kabul in Afghanistan by the Taliban in August. The Taliban are an Islamic movement who were accused of providing a sanctuary for those behind the 911 terrorist attacks. The Taliban were removed from power in Afghanistan by US-led forces in 2001, but the group seized control of the country once again, and has now been in power for many months. Recent reports say the country is struggling severely with poverty and lack of medical care and food for impoverished people.

17. 塔利班控制了阿富汗


18. Tennis champion Emma Radacanu

19 year old British tennis player Emma Radacanu became the first British woman to win a Grand Slam singles title since 1977. She has now become a celebrity and has signed a deal to promote the airline company British Airways. Her father is from Romania and her mother is from China, and she grew up in the UK.

18. 網球冠軍Emma Raducanu

19歲的英國網球選手Emma Raducanu成為自1977年以來首位獲得大滿貫單打冠軍的英國女性。她現在已成了名人,並簽下合約成為英國航空公司的代言人。她的父親來自羅馬尼亞,母親來自中國,她則在英國長大。

19. Fuel crisis

In September, parts of the UK completely ran out of fuel to provide drivers for a few weeks. Panic buying of fuel was reported to be caused by media reports of a leaked government briefing discussing the shortage of lorry drivers. The crisis has now eased, but for a period of a few weeks many petrol pumps were closed with no fuel. Some blamed Brexit for contributing to this crisis as many European lorry drivers had returned to their countries of origin, and low pay created difficulties hiring new drivers.

19. 燃料危機


20. Government Christmas party

Unfortunately, we finish the year with the government’s scandalous Christmas party. Footage was leaked of former Press Secretary Allegra Stratton laughing and joking about a government party, which was supposedly held after restrictions were introduced in the UK the previous year. Ms. Stratton subsequently resigned from her job. The prime minister is also supposed to have been in attendance at the Christmas party where social distancing measures were not adhered to, further calling into question the government’s credibility in the handling of the pandemic. However, the government denies such an event.

20. 英國政府的聖誕派對

很不幸地,我們需以政府的聖誕派對醜聞來結束這一年。前新聞秘書Allegra Stratton笑談政府的聖誕派對的影片被洩露,據說該派對是在去年英國實施限制措施後舉行的。她因此而辭去了職務。據說首相也參加了這個派對,當時他們並沒有遵守社交距離規則。這進一步讓人質疑政府在應對疫情方面的可信度。然而,政府否認有這樣的事件。

So that’s our summary of 2021! This of course doesn’t cover everything, but are just some of the major events that British people will remember from the year. We can’t forget: the salmon saga in Taiwan, the 331 earthquake in Japan, Squid Game’s success, the Taroko train incident and BTS appearing in the UN. If you have a chance, it would be great to hear from you about other significant events of 2021!


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Brits love eating outside!? 英國人很喜歡在戶外用餐!?


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