🤴Harry's Book Review 書評:哈利王子的新書


This book review is long overdue. To be honest, after finishing the book I really hesitated about whether I even wanted to write one. While it started off quite interesting, the takeaway feeling was "What was the point of that?". 


Suffice to say that I felt there were a lot of contradictions and convenient omissions in Harry's narrative. Having previously given little thought to Harry and Meghan until their infamous Oprah interview, I have come to feel increasingly suspicious of their motives. In the beginning, when Harry and Meghan got married, my thoughts probably went something like this: "Ooh another wedding hoopla"; "She's the one from Suits, isn't she?"; "They seem to go well together"; "I wonder if Harry's still a cheeky chappy"; "Shame Meghan must be under so much pressure, being compared to Kate all the time". I hazard a guess the majority of the public had somewhat similar thoughts.


But now in the UK, opinions about Harry and Meghan can be quite divisive; many people support them, others loathe them, and most don't care and just want it to stop. My opinions, I like to think, come more from a moral compass, rather than any particular feelings for or against the monarchy. If the royal family were to become your average Joes overnight, or to continue to pass on the crown and take around £1.53 in taxes from us every year, I couldn't care less either way. That is what I like to think – who knows, I might change.   

但現在在英國,人們對哈利和梅根的看法可能存有很大的分歧。許多人支持他們,其他人厭惡他們,而大多數人並不關心,只希望這件事情能夠停止。我想,我的觀點更多來自於道德準則,而不是對君主制的任何特殊感情。王室家族在一夜之間變成普通人,還是繼續繼承王位,每年從我們這裡拿走大約1.53英鎊的稅款,我都無所謂。這是我的想法 -- 誰知道呢,我可能會改變。

The concept of a royal family in the modern day is more similar to a fairground attraction, which Harry does well to give us an insight into in the book. This is one of the book's merits – an insider's glimpse into what it's really like to be a member of the royal family. It doesn't sound like fun, as you can imagine. Like most people, I'm appalled by the media's treatment of them, as if royal family members aren't real people. Here is one truly harrowing passage, where Harry is given some photos of his mother by a police officer friend. Diana is dead in the tunnel after the car crash in Paris:


I came to photos of mummy. There were lights around her, auras, almost halos. How strange. The colour of the lights was the same colour as her hair - golden. I didn't know what the lights were, I couldn't imagine, though I came up with all sorts of supernatural explanations. As I realised their true origin, my stomach clenched. 

Flashes. They were flashes. And within some of the flashes were ghostly visages, and half visages, paps and reflected paps and refracted paps on all the smooth metal surfaces and glass windscreens. Those men who'd chased her... They'd never stopped shooting her while she lay between the seats, unconscious, or semi-conscious, and in their frenzy they'd sometimes accidentally photographed each other. Not one of them was checking on her, offering her help, not even comforting her. They were just shooting, shooting, shooting.

我看到了媽媽的照片。她周圍有燈光,有光環,幾乎像是光圈。多麼奇怪。燈光的顏色和她的頭髮一樣 -- 金色。我不知道那些光是什麼,也無法想像,儘管我想出了各種超自然的解釋。當我意識到它們的真正來源時,我的胃開始緊繃了。


Disturbing. Very disturbing. At the same time I can also imagine what being behind a camera all day does to you. It detaches you from what you're actually taking a photo of. You become a spectator, out to grab what you can from the present moment and to convert it into something more valuable. Troubling indeed. 


Overall, the book feels to be about 80% about Harry's history: his childhood, teenage years, time in the army, and falling blissfully in love with Meghan. I'm not sure anyone really wanted to know about this, but I suppose that's the point of memoirs. Mostly, I found myself quite enjoying the peeks he gives us into royal life and how he felt about it all. But at times his recounts were quite confusing. For example, there were many descriptions of how he was objectively naughty at school: making faces behind teachers' backs, hosting underage drinking parties, and so on. But Harry is simultaneously baffled by the media portraying him as ‘naughty’. He's frustrated that he gained that reputation, even though that's the picture he paints of himself. I couldn’t help but feel his lack of self-awareness. 


To give another example, he tells us that he frequently smoked weed out of the bathroom window with his friends at school, and had trouble quitting. Yet in the next paragraph, he is utterly confounded that the media produced a story about him doing drugs. Unbelievable! .... But had he not just told us that he did do drugs regularly? Of course, we know the media twists things and even creates stories out of thin air, but this one actually had a thread of truth to it. Why the surprise? And more importantly, why was he reading all those trashy headlines? I certainly wasn't. Why would you expose yourself to such toxicity, especially if it's about you?

再舉一個例子,他告訴我們,他在學校裡經常和朋友們在浴室裡抽大麻,而且很難戒掉。然而在下一段文字中,他對媒體報導他吸毒感到大為震驚。真不敢相信!.... 但他不是剛告訴我們他確實經常吸毒嗎?當然,我們知道媒體會歪曲事實,甚至捏造故事,但這個故事實際上有一絲真實性。為什麼他會如此驚訝?而更重要的是,他為什麼要去看那些垃圾標題?我肯定不會去看那些。你為什麼要讓自己去接觸這種有毒的刊物,尤其它是關於你的報導的?

As I got towards the end of the book, I started to feel like maybe the beginning 80% was largely about setting the reader up for the ending. Currying favour and gaining trust from the audience: "If he can be honest about how he lost his virginity, he must be being honest about everything else". Unsurprisingly, the remaining 20% of the book delves sharply and abruptly into Meghan's 'downfall'. It felt akin to "And then everyone started hating Meghan for no reason. We were rejected from the royal family. Poor us. The end. Bye."


There were also significant gaps – Meghan's divorce? Why no mention? Not a single word. If it's going to be a 'tell-all', then please do tell-all, Harry. Any flaws that Meghan had? No. None. She was perfect in every way. It was a totally random attack from all the members of his family, that was the problem. William in particular, by the way, is pretty much depicted as a demon throughout the entire book. A cold, unkind, uncaring character with random fits of rage. Very interesting to see him portrayed in this light. Again, I don't know him so can't really comment one way or another, but what I do know is this must be slander against one's own family. A low blow in my opinion, no matter what your family did. 


Not only William, multiple people in the book are portrayed as irrationally hating Harry and Meghan ‘out of nowhere’. One particularly insightful line read: "You're delusion Harry" they said. But they were the delusional ones". I think that pretty much sums up the whole book. Versions of events diverge, everyone gets their panties in a twist, and it's a battle of the egos from thereon. No real solution, apart from to pack it in. Let it go. 


Harry also does a lot of mind-reading in the book. One particularly interesting example is the TV interview where both couples were present, and that got stirred into news gossip afterwards. It reads:


All this came on the heels of an awkward moment backstage. Meg had asked to borrow Kate's lip gloss. An American thing. Meg forgot hers, worried she needed some, and turned to Kate for help. Kate, taken aback, went into her handbag and reluctantly pulled out a tube. Meg squeezed some onto her finger and applied it to her lips. Kate grimaced. Small clash of styles, maybe? Something we should've been able to laugh about soon after. But it left a little mark. And then the press sensed something was up and tried to turn it into something bigger.


How on earth could he mind-read what Kate was thinking about in that moment, what she felt thereafter, and how or why the press stirred up gossip? It was accounts like this that made the whole book feel painfully one-sided. A look through Harry’s lens, but by no means a full account. This felt unfair to me, as the people he was talking about a) never gave their consent to their privacy being exposed in such a way, and b) won’t ever be able to give their version of events, for obvious reasons. I guess it comes back to the moral conundrum of whether it’s okay to badmouth those close to you online. Many people seem to think it’s fine, but I can’t say I’m one of them. 

哈利究竟如何能讀懂凱特當時的想法,之後的感受,以及媒體如何或為何炒作這件事情?正是這樣的敘述,讓人覺得整本書的內容非常片面。這全都是透過哈利的視角看待事情,它絕對不是一個全面的敘述。我覺得這樣並不公平,因為他所談論的人 a) 從未同意在這種方式下揭露他們的隱私,b) 基於明顯的原因,他們永遠無法提出自己的事件版本。我想這牽涉到一個道德難題,即在網路上說你身邊人的壞話是否合適。許多人似乎覺得這沒什麼,但我不能說我是其中之一。

So yeah, "And then everything blew up. I now have no qualms about throwing my family under the bus, because y'know, tit-for-tat, and we've got to make money" is what the ending might as well have read. I was left with a distinct feeling of emptiness. This is the note I wrote to myself after finishing this book: "Started to give me a headache. Too much drama. Too much 'he said, she said'. One big mess. They're like children. How depressing. Can't they just focus on putting something positive out into the world? People will be influenced by their behaviour. They might think it's okay to be immature, resentful and disloyal to those close to you."


In summary, while a little vain and with strong hints of delusion towards the end, it was still interesting to hear about Harry’s life. While I slate the book in many ways, I would say it’s still worth a read, because we're getting a rare glimpse into what life as a royal and an army officer is like, plus it’s a very easy read. Having said that, I also totally understand if you’d rather boycott it. What I certainly wouldn’t take this book to be is some kind of revelatory ‘truth’ beyond one man’s version of events. Regarding ‘what actually happened’ between Harry, Meghan and the rest of the royal family, I still feel none the wiser! 


Susie x



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